Ghosts in the House

Are you ready for Halloween?

While Halloween is not at the top of my list when it comes to favorite holidays, I’ve been getting in to the spirit of things a little more now that I have a child old enough to be interested in the occasion.

The Ant Bug and I spent the afternoon making these cute Paper Ghost Garlands.

We used wax paper (instead of the recommended butcher paper) which provided a very “ghost-like” appearance. She had a good time drawing the faces, but eventually decided that the ghosts were better on their own, instead of part of a line. Our living and dining area is now looking sufficiently spooky with paper ghosts taped all over the walls.

And while we’re on the subject of Halloween, a fitting book for the fall season that we have been enjoying is Too Many Pumpkins, by Linda White.

What would you do with too many pumpkins? Make pumpkin pie, of course!

Paper dolls

This was our art project for the other day.

My friend posted these cute paper dolls on her blog, so the Ant Bug and I gave it a try. She asked me to do the cutting, but she did the gluing and the decorating. I love the lopsided eyes and smiles. You can make your own using this pattern.

The Ant Bug made the following comment while playing with dolls in her bedroom:

“Mom, it’s great having you in our family.”

Oh, how I love my family!